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React Native


  • Edit permission to your source code.
  • React-Native development environment is setup.

Use Cases

  • Track user identity and behavior on your React-Native mobile applications.



  • Use yarn:
yarn add @react-native-async-storage/async-storage react-native-device-info react-native-uuid filum-react-native
  • Use npm:
npm install --save @react-native-async-storage/async-storage react-native-device-info react-native-uuid filum-react-native



Create a separated analytics file to initialize the tracking instance:

let Analytics = require('filum-react-native');

export const filumAnalytics = new Analytics(
host: '',


  • identify() should be called before track() to incorporate your user_id in any upcoming track calls.

  • Use this method right after user has just sign in/sign up or anytime a trait of an user is updated (Eg: profile update).

import { filumAnalytics } from './analytics';

if (<conditions>) { // user password/credentials check is successful
filumAnalytics.identify(user_id, {
Email: "",
Name: "Harry Potter",
Gender: "Male",

Track event

Use a string to represent the event name and a JSON object to contain all additional properties.

filumAnalytics.track('Transaction Completed',
'Transaction ID': "#001",
'Total Value': 1000000,


Use this method right after the user has just logged out. It will clear the user_id of the currently logged in user and generate new anonymous_id for a new user.


Example App

You can refer to the example repo Filum React Native Sample App

Make sure to update the host and WRITEKEY in filumAnalytics.load() before running.